21st Annual
We have made the difficult decision to not hold the Dixie Invitational this year.
We are currently evaluating our options for the tournament returning next year.
Hosted By: Southern Utah Soccer Association
Tournament Dates: TBD
Registration Begins: TBD
Registration Deadline: TBD
Location: St George Area
Eligibility: USYS Affiliated Teams Ages U9 - U19 Teams
U13 - U19 ( 11v11 ) Maximum eighteen (18) players. Maximum of five (5) guest players.
U11 - U12 ( 9v9 ) Maximum of fifteen (15) players. Maximum of four (4) guest players.
U9 - U10 ( 7v7 ) Maximum of twelve (12) players. Maximum of four (4) guest players.
Tournament Board reserves the right to accept or reject applications to provide the best level of play and balance of teams to the tournament. A first received, first reserved space will be followed unless the board deems it necessary to accept another team based upon the above conditions.
All teams are guaranteed three games with the possibility of the two top teams in the age division playing a Championship game. No Double Rostering Permitted.
First and Second place will be awarded in each division.
Entry Fee:
$700.00 per team U13 - U19
$600.00 per team U11- U12
$550.00 per team U9 - U10
Drop out policy:
Teams that choose to drop out of the Dixie Invitational will be subject to the following refund policy.
Affinity processing fees will not be refunded no matter the timing of the drop.
Drop Before Registration closes - Refund of Team Registration minus $50 administrative fee.
Drop Before Bracketing - 50% Refund of Team Registration
Drop After Bracketing - No Refund
Notification may be sent to other Tournament Directors, about any team who drops out at the last minute
COVID-19 cancellation policy:
If the tournament is canceled due to Covid-19, teams will receive a refund for collected entry fees. Payment processing fees will not be refunded.